姓 名:李正国
重庆大学生命科学学院二级教授,博士生导师,重庆市科技创新领军人才,植物激素与分子育种重庆市重点实验室主任,农业农村部农作物生态环境检验测试中心(重庆)常务副主任。一直围绕园艺产业重大科技需求,开展植物激素与果实发育调控机制,食品生物技术研究。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家863项目课题、十三五重点研发计划课题、十四五重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金项目、重庆市重点项目等项目10多项。在Nature Communications、Nature Plants、Plant Cell、New Phytologist、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Journal等刊物发表文章100多篇,授权专利10余件,入选全球顶尖科学家(前2%)。研究成果得到产业应用,为果蔬品种改良、采后品质保持及冷链物流提供了重要支撑。并获重庆市自然科学一等奖等科技奖3项。现任中国园艺学会采后科学技术分会副理事长、重庆市食品科学与技术学会副理事长,重庆市园艺学会副理事长,重庆市营养学会副理事长,Frontiers in Plant Science副主编、Heliyon、Horticulturae、Vegetable Research等编委。
2023.08—至今 重庆大学生命科学学院教授、博导
1984.07—2002.09 西南农业大学食品科学学院分别任助教、讲师、副教授、教授、副院长;
1997.10—1999.10 法国图鲁兹国立理工大学进行访问和合作研究
2000.05—2002.09 法国农业科学院博士后
2002.10—2012.05 重庆大学生物工程学院教授、博导
2012.06—2023.07 重庆大学生命科学学院教授、博导、副院长、院长
一直围绕园艺产业重大科技需求,开展植物激素与果实发育调控机制研究。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家863项目课题、十三五重点研发计划课题、十四五重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金项目、重庆市重点项目等项目10多项。在Nature Communications、Nature Plants、Plant Cell、New Phytologist、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Journal等刊物发表文章100多篇,授权专利10余件,入选全球顶尖科学家(前2%)。研究成果得到产业应用为果蔬品种改良、采后品质保持及冷链物流提供了重要支撑。并获重庆市自然科学一等奖等科技奖3项。
4、国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)(2012AA101702)
l Shi Y, Hu G, Wang Y, Liang Q, Su D, Lu W, Deng W, Bouzayen M, Liu Y, Li ZG, Huang B. The SlGRAS9-SlZHD17 transcriptional cascade regulates chlorophyll and carbohydrate metabolism contributing to fruit quality traits in tomato. New Phytologist. 2024. 241: 2540-2557.
l Bai F, Shu P, Deng H, Wu Y, Chen Y, Wu, MB, Ma T, Zhang Y, Pirrello J, Li ZG, Hong YG, Bouzayen M, Liu MC. A distal enhancer guides the negative selection of toxic glycoalkaloids during tomato domestication. Nature Communications. 2024. 15:2894.
l Deng H, Pei YG, Xu X, Du XF, Xue Q, Gao Z, Shu P, Yu Y, Jian YF, Wu MB, Wang YK, Li ZG, Pirrello J, Bouzayen M, Deng W, Hong YG, Liu MC. Ethylene-MPK8-ERF.C1-PR module confers resistance against Botrytis cinerea in tomato fruit without compromising ripening. New Phytologist. 2024. 242(2): 592-609.
l Shu L, Chen Y, Liu S, Ou X, Wang Y, Zhao Z, Tang R, Yan Y, Zeng X, Feng S, Zhang T, Li ZG, Jian W. Biocontrol performance of a novel Bacillus velezensis L33a on tomato gray mold and its complete genome sequence analysis. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2024. 213:112925.
l Wang P, Wu T, Chen YL, Gao Y, Huang B, Li ZG. The phytocytokine systemin enhances postharvest tomato fruit resistance to Botrytis cinerea.Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2024. 210:112738.
l Xu X, Huang W, Fang X, Zhang Q, Qi T, Gong M, Zheng X, Wu M, Jian Y, Deng J, Cheng Y, Li ZG, Deng W. SlMYB99-mediated auxin and abscisic acid antagonistically regulate ascorbic acids biosynthesis in tomato. New Phytologist. 2023. 239: 949-963.
l Lu W, Wang Y, Shi Y, Liang Q, Lu X, Su D, Xu X, Pirrello J, Gao Y, Huang B, Li ZG. Identification of SRS transcription factor family in Solanum lycopersicum, and functional characterization of their responses to hormones and abiotic stresses. BMC Plant Biology. 2023. 23:495.
l Shi Y, Song B, Liang Q, Su D, Lu W, Liu Y, Li ZG. Molecular regulatory events of flower and fruit abscission in horticultural plants. Horticultural Plant Journal. 2023. 9 (5): 867-883.
l Jian W, Ou X, Sun L, Chen Y, Liu S, Lu W, Yang X, Zhao Z, Li ZG. Characterization of anthocyanin accumulation, nutritional properties, and postharvest attributes of transgenic purple tomato. Food Chemistry. 2023. 408: 135181.
l Liu YD, Tang N, Lin DB, Deng W, Li ZG. Integration of multi-omics analyses highlights the secondary metabolism response of tomato fruit to low temperature storage. Food Research International. 2023. 173: 113316.
l Shi Y, Song B, Liang Q, Su D, Lu W, Liu Y, Li ZG. Molecular regulatory events of flower and fruit abscission in horticultural plants. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2023. 9(5): 867-883.
l Luo XM, Tian TT, Feng L, Yang XY, Li LX, Tan X, Wu WX, Li ZG, Treves H, Serneels F, Ng IS, Tanaka K, Ren MZ. Pathogenesis-related protein 1 suppresses oomycete pathogen by targeting against AMPK kinase complex. Journal of Advanced Research. 2023. 43: 13–26.
l He YR, Xu LZ, Peng AH, Lei TG, Li Q, Yao LX, Jiang GJ, Chen SC, Li ZG, Zou XP. Production of marker-free transgenic plants from mature tissues of navel orange using a Cre/loxP site-recombination system. Horticultural Plant Journal. 2023. 9 (3): 473-480.
l Liu X, Lin Y, Wu C, Yang Y, Su D, Xian Z, Zhu Y, Yu C, Hu G, Deng W, Li ZG, Bouzayen M, Chen R, Hao Y. The SlARF4-SlHB8 regulatory module mediates leaf rolling in tomato. Plant Science. 2023. 335: 111790.
l Wang PY, Jia H, Guo T, Zhang Y, Wang W, Nishimura H, Li ZG, Kawano Y. The secreted immune response peptide 1 functions as a phytocytokine in rice immunity. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2023. 74(3): 1059-1073.
l Xu X, Zhang QD, Gao XL, Wu GL, Wu MB, Yuan YJ, Zheng XZ, Gong ZH, Hu XW, Gong M, Qi TC, Li HH, Luo ZS, Li ZG, Deng W. Auxin and abscisic acid antagonistically regulate ascorbic acid production via the SlMAPK8-SlARF4-SlMYB11 module in tomato. Plant Cell. 2022. 34(11):4409-4427.
l Deng H, Chen Y, Liu ZY, Liu ZQ, Shu P, Wang RC, Hao YW, Su D, Pirrello J, Liu YS, Li ZG, Grierson D, Giovannoni JJ, Bouzayen M, Liu MC. SlERF.F12 modulates the transition to ripening in tomato fruit by recruiting the co-repressor TOPLESS and histone deacetylases to repress key ripening genes. Plant Cell. 2022. 34(4):1250-1272.
l Zheng XZ, Yuan YJ, Huang BW, Hu XW, Tang YW, Xu X, Wu MB, Gong ZH, Luo YQ, Gong M, Gao XL, Wu GL, Zhang QD, Li ZG, Deng W. Control of fruit softening and ascorbic acid accumulation by manipulation of SlIMP3 in tomato. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2022. 20: 1213-1225.
l Wu C, Yang Y, Su D, Yu C, Xian Z, Pan Z, Guan Ho, Hu G, Chen D, Li ZG, Chen R, Hao Y. The SlHB8 acts as a negative regulator in tapetum development and pollen wall formation in Tomato. Horticulture Research, 2022. 9: uhac185
l Wang C, Wang Y, Chen J, Liu L, Yang M, Li Z, Wang C, Pichersky E, Xu H. Synthesis of 4-methylvaleric acid, a precursor of pogostone, involves a 2-isobutylmalate synthase related to 2-isopropylmalate synthase of leucine biosynthesis. New Phytologist. 2022. 235(3): 1129-1145.
l Wang Y, Wen J, Liu L, Chen J, Wang C, Li Z, Wang G, Pichersky E, Xu H. Engineering of tomato type VI glandular trichomes for trans-chrysanthemic acid biosynthesis, the acid moiety of natural pyrethrin insecticides. Metab Engineering. 2022. 72: 188-199.
l Liu X, Wu C, Su D, Yang Y, Xian Z, Yu C, Li ZG, Hao Y, Chen R. The SlHB8 Acts as a Negative Regulator in Stem Development and Lignin Biosynthesis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021. 22, 13343.
l Zou J, Li N, Hu N, Tang N, Cao H, Liu Y, Chen J, Jian W, Gao Y, Yang J, Li ZG. Co-silencing of ABA receptors (SlRCAR) reveals interactions between ABA and ethylene signaling during tomato fruit ripening. Horticulture Research, 2022. 9: uhac057.
l Su D, Wen L, Xiang W, Shi Y, Lu W, Liu Y, Xian Z, Li ZG. Tomato transcriptional repressor SlBES1.8 regulates shoot apical meristem development by inhibiting WUS-DNA binding. Plant Journal. 2022. 110: 482-498.
l Su D, Xiang W, Liang Q, Wen L, Shi Y, Liu Y, Xian Z, Li ZG. Tomato SlBES1.8 influences leaf morphogenesis by mediating gibberellin metabolism and signaling. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2022. 63: 535-549.
l Zhou M, Li ZG. Recent Advances in Minimizing Cadmium Accumulation in Wheat. Toxics 2022. 10, 187.
l Hu GJ, Wang KK, Huang BW, Mila I, Frasse P, Maza E, Djari A, Hernould M, Zouine M, Li ZG, Bouzayen M. The auxin-responsive transcription factor SlDOF9 regulates inflorescence and flower development in tomato. Nature Plants. 2022. 8(4):419-433.
l Huang W, Hu N, Xiao ZN, Qiu YP, Yang Y, Yang J, Mao X, Wang YC, Li ZG, Guo HW. A molecular framework of ethylene-mediated fruit growth and ripening processes in tomato. Plant Cell. 2022. 34(9):3280-3300.
l Feng S, Lu W, Jian Y, Chen Y, Meng R, Deng J, Liu Q, Yu T, Jin L, Yang X, Li ZG, Jian W. Biocontrol effect and possible mechanism of food-borne sulfide 3-methylthio-1-propanol against Botrytis cinerea in postharvest tomato. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021.12:763755.
l Wang R., Shu P., Zhang C., Zhang J., Chen Y., Zhang Y., Xie Y., Li M., Du K., Ma T., Zhang Y., Li Z.G., Grierson D., Pirrello J., Chen K. Bouzayen M., Zhang B., Liu M. Integrative analyses of metabolome and genome-wide transcriptome reveal the regulatory network governing flavor formation in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis). New Phytologist. 2022, 233(1):373-389.
l Yang L, Cao H, Zhang X, Gui L, Chen Q, Qian G, Xiao J, Li ZG. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of tomato ADK gene family during development and stress. Int. J. Mol. Sci.. 2021. 22:1-19.
l Huang B, Hu G, Wang K, Frasse P, Maza E, Djari A, Deng W, Pirrello J, Burlat V, Pons C, Granell A, Li ZG, Rest B, Bouzayen M. Interaction of two MADS-box genes leads to growth phenotype divergence of all-flesh type of tomatoes. Nature Communications. 2021, 12:6892.
l You J, Song Z, Lin J, Jia R, Xia F, Li Z, Huang C. RNAi-directed knockdown induces nascent transcript degradation and premature transcription termination in the nucleus. Cell Discovery. 2021, 7:79.
l Chen J, Liu L, Wang Y, Li Z, Wang G, Kraus GA, Pichersky E, Xu H. Characterization of a Cytosolic Acyl-Activating Enzyme Catalyzing the Formation of 4-Methylvaleryl-CoA for Pogostone Biosynthesis in Pogostemon Cablin. Plant Cell Physiol. 2021, 62(10): 1556-1571.
l Shi Y, Pang X, Liu W, Wang R, Su D, Gao Y, Wu M, Deng W, Liu Y, Li ZG. SlZHD17 is involved in the control of chlorophyll and carotenoid metabolism in tomato fruit. Horticulture Research. 2021, 8: 259.
l Gong Z, Luo Y, Zhang W, Jian W, Zhang L, Gao X, Hu X, Yuan Y, Wu M, Xu X, Zheng X, Wu G, Li ZG, Li Z, Deng W. A SlMYB75-centred transcriptional cascade regulates trichome formation and sesquiterpene accumulation in tomato. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2021. 72(10): 3806-3820.
l Jian W, Zheng Y, Yu T, Cao H, Chen Y, Cui Q, Xu C, Li ZG. SlNAC6, A NAC transcription factor, is involved in drought stress response and reproductive process in tomato. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2021. 264:153483.
l Tang MF, Xu C, Cao HH, Shi Y, Chen J, Chai Y, Li ZG. Tomato calmodulin-like protein SlCML37 is a calcium (Ca2+ ) sensor that interacts with proteasome maturation factor SlUMP1 and plays a role in tomato fruit chilling stress tolerance. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2021. 258-259:153373.
l Feng S, Jian Y, Jin L, Tang S, Li ZG. Complete Genome Sequence Data of Rare Actinomycetes Strain Saccharothrix texasensis 6-C, a Biological Control Agent for Potato Late Blight. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions. 2021. 34: 571-574.
l Song Z, Lin J, Li ZG, Huang C. The nuclear functions of long noncoding RNAs come into focus. Non-coding RNA Research. 2021. 6 (2): 70-79.
l Jia R, Song Z, Lin J, Li ZG, Shan G, Huang C. Gawky modulates MTF-1-mediated transcription activation and metal discrimination. Nucleic Acids Research. 2021. 49(11):6296-6314. (Research Highlights in Current Opinion in Insect Science)
l Yan F, Gong Z, Hu G, Ma X, Bai R, Yu R, Zhang Q, Deng W, Li ZG, Wuriyanghan H. Tomato SlBL4 plays an important role in fruit pedicel organogenesis and abscission. Horticulture Research. 2021, 8: 78.
l Liu Y, Shi Y, Su D, Lu W, Li ZG. SlGRAS4 accelerates fruit ripening by regulating ethylene biosynthesis genes and SlMADS1 in tomato. Horticulture Research. 2021, 8:3.
l Su D, Xiang W, Wen L, Lu W, Shi Y, Liu Y, Li ZG. Genome-wide identification, characterization and expression analysis of BES1 gene family in tomato. BMC Plant Biology. 2021, 21:161.
l Yuan YJ, Xu X, Luo YQ, Gong ZH, Hu XW, Wu MB, Liu YD, Yan F, Zhang XL, Zhang WF, Tang YW, Feng BH, Li ZG, Jiang C, Deng W. R2R3 MYB-dependent auxin signalling regulates trichome formation, and increased trichome density confers spider mite tolerance on tomato. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2021, 19: 138-152.
l Xia XH, Cheng XH, Li R, Yao JN, Li ZG, Cheng YL. Advances in application of genome editing in tomato and recent development of genome editing technology. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2021, 134:2727-2747.
l Lin YL, Fan LQ, He JX, Wang ZK, Yin YP, Cheng YL, Li ZG. Anthocyanins contribute to fruit defense against postharvest green mold. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2021, 181.
l Lu W, Shi Y, Wang R, Su D, Tang M, Liu Y, Li ZG. Antioxidant activity and healthy benefits of natural pigments in fruits: A review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021, 22: 4945.
l Liu Y, Wen L, Shi Y, Su D, Lu W, Cheng Y, Li ZG. Stress-responsive tomato gene SlGRAS4 function in drought stress and abscisic acid signaling. Plant Science. 2021, 304: 110804.
l Hu G, Huang B, Wang K, Frasse P, Maza E, Djari A, Benhamed M, Gallusci P, Li ZG, Zouine M, Bouzayen M. Histone posttranslational modifications rather than DNA methylation underlie gene reprogramming in pollination-dependent and pollination-independent fruit set in tomato. New Phytologist. 2021. 229(2): 902-919.
l Cao H, Chen J, Yue M, Xu C, Jian W, Liu Y, Song B, Gao Y, Cheng Y, Li ZG. Tomato transcriptional repressor MYB70 directly regulates ethylene-dependent fruit ripening. Plant Journal. 2020, 104: 1568-1581.
l Shan W, Kuang J, Wei W, Fan Z, Deng W, Li ZG., Bouzayen M, Pirrello J, Lu W, Chen J.Y. MaXB3 Modulates MaNAC2, MaACS1, and MaACO1 Stability to Repress Ethylene Biosynthesis during Banana Fruit Ripening. Plant Physiology. 2020, 184: 1153-1171.
l Li H, Li ZG. Analysis of transcriptome and phytohormone profiles reveal novel insight into ginger (Zingiber officinale Rose) in response to postharvest dehydration stress. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2020, 161: 111087.
l Yan F, Gao Y, Pang X, Xu X, Zhu N, Chan H, Hu G, Wu M, Yuan Y, Li H, Zhong S, Hada W, Deng W, Li ZG. BEL1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN4 regulates chlorophyll accumulation, chloroplast development, and cell wall metabolism in tomato fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2020, 71,18: 5549-5561.
l Tang N, An J, Deng W, Gao Y, Chen Z, Li ZG. Metabolic and transcriptional regulatory mechanism associated with postharvest fruit ripening and senescence in cherry tomatoes. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2020, 168: 111274.
l Liu Y, Tang M, Liu M, Su D, Chen J, Gao Y, Bouzayen M, Li ZG. The Molecular Regulation of Ethylene in Fruit Ripening. Small Methods. 2020, 4, 8: 1900485.
l Liu Y, Shi Y, Zhu N, Zhong S, Bouzayen M, Li ZG. SlGRAS4 mediates a novel regulatory pathway promoting chilling tolerance in tomato. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2020. 18, 7: 1620-1633.
l Wu M, Xu X, Hu X, Liu Y, Cao H, Chan H, Gong Z, Yuan Y, Luo Y, Feng B, Li Z, Deng W. SlMYB72 Regulates the Metabolism of Chlorophylls, Carotenoids, and Flavonoids in Tomato Fruit. Plant Physiology. 2020, 183, 854-868.
l Cheng YL, Xia XH, Lin YL, Cao HH, Yao JN, Li ZG. Ubiquitylome study highlights ubiquitination of primary metabolism related proteins in fruit response to postharvest pathogen infection, Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2020, 163: 111142.
l Cheng YL, Lin YL, Cao HH, Li ZG. Citrus Postharvest Green Mold: Recent Advances in Fungal Pathogenicity and Fruit Resistance. Microorganisms. 2020, 8 (3): 449.
l Zhou M, Xiao MS, Li ZG, Huang C. New progresses of circular RNA biology: from nuclear export to degradation. RNA Biology 2021; 18:1365-1373.
l Song ZX, Jia RR, Tang MF, Xia F, Xu HY, Li ZG, Huang C. Antisense oligonucleotide technology can be used to investigate a circular but not linear RNA-mediated function for its encoded gene locus. Science China-Life Sciences. 2021, 64 (5): 784-794.
l Zhuo FP, Xiong FJ, Deng KX, Li ZG, Ren MZ. Target of Rapamycin (TOR) Negatively Regulates Ethylene Signals in Arabidopsis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020. 21 (8): 2680.
l Gao J, Zhang YX, Li ZG, Liu MC. Role of ethylene response factors (ERFs) in fruit ripening. Food Quality and Safety. 2020. 4(1): 15-19.
l Zhao YB, Li MH, Yao XM, Fei Y, Lin ZH, Li ZG, Cai KY, Zhao YL, Luo Z. HCAR1/MCT1 Regulates Tumor Ferroptosis through the Lactate-Mediated AMPK-SCD1 Activity and Its Therapeutic Implications. Cell Reports. 2020. 33(10): 108487.
l Chun CP, Zhou W, Ling LL, Cao L, Fu XZ, Peng LZ, Li ZG. Uptake of cadmium (Cd) by selected citrus rootstock cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae. 2020. 263: 109061.
l Lin YL, Fan LQ, Xia XH, Wang ZK, Yin YP, Cheng YL, Li ZG. Melatonin decreases resistance to postharvest green mold on citrus fruit by scavenging defense-related reactive oxygen species, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2019, 153: 21-30.
l He Y., Jia R., Qi J., Chen S., Lei T., Xu L., Peng A., Yao L., Long Q., Li Z.G., Li Q.*. Functional analysis of citrus AP2 transcription factors identified CsAP2-09 involved in citrus canker disease response and tolerance. Gene. 2019. 707: 178-188.
l Xiong FJ, Liu M, Zhuo FP, Yin H, Deng KX, Feng S, Liu YD, Luo XM, Feng L, Zhang SM, Li ZG, Ren MZ. Host-induced gene silencing of BcTOR in Botrytis cinerea enhances plant resistance to grey mould. Molecular Plant Pathology. 2019, 20,12: 1722-739.
l Yuan Y.J., Xu X., Gong Z.H., Tang Y.W., Wu M.B., Yan F., Zhang X.L., Zhang Q., Yang F.Q., Hu X.W., Yang Q.C., Luo Y.Q., Mei L.H., Zhang W.F., Jiang C.Z., Lu W.J., Li Z.G., Deng W. Auxin response factor 6A regulates photosynthesis, sugar accumulation, and fruit development in tomato. Horticulture Research. 2019, 6: 85.
l Xu H.Y., Li W, Schilmiller AL, van Eekelen H, de Vos RCH, Jongsma MA, Pichersky E.Pyrethric acid of natural pyrethrin insecticide: complete pathway elucidation and reconstitution in Nicotiana benthamiana. New Phytologist. 2019, 223: 751-765.
l Jia R, Li ZG, Huang C. Circular RNAs in Brain Disorders. Med One 2019, 4:1-13.
l Jia R., Xiao M., Li Z.G., Shan G., Huang C*. Defining an evolutionarily conserved role of GW182 in circular RNA degradation. Cell Discov 2019, 5:1-4.
l Li Z.G., Kearse M.G., Huang C. The nuclear export of circular RNAs is primarily defined by their length. RNA Biol 2019, 16:1-4.
l Habib S., Waseem M., Li N., Yang L., Li Z.G. Overexpression of SlGRAS7 affects multiple behaviors leading to confer abiotic stresses tolerance and impacts gibberellin and auxin signaling in tomato. International Journal of Genomics. 2019, Article ID 4051981.
l Waseem M., Li N., Su D., Chen J., Li Z.G*. Overexpression of a basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor gene, SlbHLH22, promotes early fowering and accelerates fruit ripening in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Planta. 2019. 250: 173-185.
l Waseem M., Rong X., Li Z.G. Dissecting the Role of a Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor, SlbHLH22, Under Salt and Drought Stresses in Transgenic Solanum lycopersicum L. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019. 10: 734 (https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2019.00734)
l Waseem M., Li Z.G. Overexpression of tomato SlbHLH22 transcription factor gene enhances fruit sensitivity to exogenous phytohormones and shortens fruit shelf-life. Journal of Biotechnology 2019. 299: 50–56.
l Yan F., Deng W., Pang X., Gao Y., Chan H., Zhang Q., Hu N., Chen J., Li Z.G*. Overexpression of the KNOX gene Tkn4 affects pollen development and confers sensitivity to gibberellin and auxin in tomato. Plant Science. 2019. 281: 61-71.
l Jian W., Cao H.H., Yuan S., Liu Y.D., Lu J.F., Lu W., Li N., Wang J.H., Zou J., Tang N., Xu C., Cheng Y.L., Gao Y.Q., Xi W.P., Li Z.G. SlMYB75, an MYB-type transcription factor, promotes anthocyanin accumulation and enhances volatile aroma production in tomato fruits. Horticulture Research. 2018. (DOI : 10.1038/s41438-018-0098-y, HORTRES-01110)
l Hu N., Liu Y.D., Xian Z.Q., Su D.D., Chen J.X., Li Z.G. Rapid and user-friendly open-source CRISPR/Cas9 system for single- or multi-site editing of tomato genome. Horticulture Research. 2018. (DOI : 10.1038/s41438-018-0082-6, HORTRES-00737)
l Li N., Huang B.W., Tang N., Jian W., Zhou J., Chen J., Cao H.H., Habib S., Dong X.K., Wei W., Gao Y.Q., Li Z.G. The MADS-box Gene SlMBP21 Regulates Sepal Size Mediated by Ethylene and Auxin in Tomato. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2017, 58: 2241-2256. (https://academic.oup.com/pcp/article/58/12/2241/4563273)
l Zhou J., Chen J., Tang N., Gao Y.Q., Hong M.S., Wei W., Cao H.H., Jian W., Li N., Deng W., Li Z.G. Transcriptome analysis of aroma volatile metabolism change in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit under different storage temperatures and 1-MCP treatment. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2018. 135:57-67. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925521417300777)
l Huang B.W., Routaboul J.M., Liu M.C., Deng W., Maza E., Mila I., Hu G.J., Zouine M., Frasse P., Vrebalov J.T., Giovannoni J.J., Li Z.G., Rest B., Bouzayen B. Overexpression of the class D MADS-box gene Sl-AGL11 impacts fleshy tissue differentiation and structure in tomato fruits. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2017, 68: 4869–4884.
l Yang L., Huang W., Xiong F., Xian Z.Q., Su D.D., Ren M.Z., Li Z.G. Silencing of SlPL, which encodes a pectate lyase in tomato, confers enhanced fruit firmness, prolonged shelf-life, and reduced susceptibility to gray mold. Plant Biotechnol Journal. 2017. 1-12. (DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12737)
l Liu Y.D., Huang W., Xian Z.Q., Hu N., Lin D.B., Ren R., Chen J.X., Su D.D., Li Z.G. Overexpression of SlGRAS40 in Tomato Enhances Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses and Influences Auxin and Gibberellin Signaling. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017. 8:1659.(doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01659)
l Yang L., Hu G.J., Li N., Habib S., Huang W., Li Z.G. Functional Characterization of SlSAHH2 in Tomato Fruit Ripening. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017. 8:1312. (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01312)
l Huang W., Peng S.Y., Xian Z.Q., Lin D.B., Hu G.J., Yang L., Ren M.Z., Li Z.G. Overexpression of a tomato miR171 target gene SlGRAS24 impacts multiple agronomical traits via regulating gibberellin and auxin homeostasis. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2016. 1–17.
l Huang W., Xian Z.Q., Hu G.J., Li Z.G. SlAGO4A, a core factor of RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway, plays an important role under salt and drought stress in tomato, Molecular Breeding. 2016. 36(3): 1-13.
l Zhu Z.Q., Xian Z.Q., Guo H.W., Li Z.G. Ethylene Biology Blooms from Fundamental Research to Postharvest Applications. Molecular Plant 2016. 9:187-188.
l Lin D.B., Xiang Y., Xian Z.Q., Li Z.G. Ectopic expression of SlAGO7 alters leaf pattern and inflorescence architecture and increases fruit yield in tomato. Physiol Plant. 2016. 157:490-506.
l Kang X., Huang W., Tang N., Li Z.G. Overexpression o f Tomato Homolog of Glycolate/Glycerate Transporter Gene PLGG1/AtLrgB Leads to Reduced Chlorophyll
Biosynthesis. J Plant Growth Regul. 2015. 34:697-872.
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l 王国民, 李应国, 戴华, 谢文, 张进忠, 周启明, 李正国. 液相色谱-串联质谱法同时检测蜂蜜中三种有机磷农药残留. 重庆大学学报(自然科学版).2011, 34(7):131-136.
l 刘俊江,李正国,杨迎伍. 植物中XRN家族的研究进展. 热带亚热带植物学报. 2011, 19(5):483-490.
l 刘俊江,李正国,杨迎伍,先志强,邓伟. 番茄XRN2基因的克隆、表达分析及遗传转化. 热带作物学. 2011, 23(3): 447-45.
l 苗青,李正国,杨迎伍. 农杆菌介导的番茄遗传转化的研究进展. 热带亚热带植物学报. 2011, 19(6):585-590.
l 苗青,李正国,杨迎伍. 番茄Sly-miR167a启动子的分离及遗传转化研究. 热带作物学报. 2011, 32(4):653-657.
l 邢蕾,李正国. 番茄中一个新F-box基因的表达分析及载体构建. 热带作物学报.2011, 32(4):658-662.
l 王国民,李应国,张进忠,郗存显,李正国. 沙丁按醇残留检测技术研究进展. 食品工业科技. 2011, 32(5): 453-458.
l 王国民,李应国,郗存显,张进忠,李正国. 动物组织中沙丁胺醇残留检测的样品前处理方法研究进展.食品工业科技. 2011, 32(4): 400-404.
l 李应国,赵旭博,张雷,李贤良,郗存显,王国民,王雄,果旗,李正国. 免疫亲和柱-高效液相色谱法检测乳制品中氯霉素. 中国乳品工业. 2011, 39(4): 53-54.
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l 叶宝兴 ,谭秀山,李道高,李正国,李纯凡,王大平. 脐橙果皮油斑病解剖结构. 中国农业科学. 2011,44(6):1301-1306.
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l 张超,徐洲,魏琴,李正国. 红发夫酵母富硒特性研究. 食品工业科技. 2011, 32(4):177-179.
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l 张超,徐洲,魏琴,李正国. 产油脂和γ- 亚麻酸被孢霉M11的诱变. 食品科学. 2010, 31(22): 322-325.
l 刘明春, 李正国, 杨迎伍, 邓伟. 榨菜挥发性风味成分的分析. 食品工业科技. 2010, 31(10):118-120.
l 王滕旭, 李正国, 杨迎伍, 邓伟. 哈姆林甜橙蔗糖合酶I和酸性转化酶基因表达与果实糖积累的关系. 热带作物学报. 2010, 31(5): 745-749.
l 王滕旭, 李正国, 杨迎伍, 邓伟. 甜橙柠檬酸合酶基因的克隆及其表达分析. 中国农学通报. 2010, 26(6): 65-69.
l 袁陵,李正国,杨迎武,樊晶,王心宇,邓伟.采后钙处理对奉节脐橙褐变及膜脂过氧化作用的影响.热带作物学报.2010, 31(2): 207-211
l 苏丽艳, 李正国, 樊 晶, 高 雪, 杨迎伍, 邓 伟, 郝彦伟. 脐橙CsCAB基因的克隆及表达载体构建. 华北农学报. 2010, 25(2): 40-43.
l 郝彦伟, 李正国, 杨迎伍, 邓伟, 苏丽艳. 番茄CYP71基因的克隆及其植物表达载的构建. 热带作物学报. 2009, 30(12): 1813-1817.
l 刘明春,李正国,王心宇,杨迎伍,王国民,邓 伟,榨菜挥发性风味成分的分析. 食品工业科技. 2010, 31(10):118-120.
l 陈伟,李正国,杨平,杨迎伍,王国民. 肉制品中志贺氏菌DNA的快速提取方法. 食品与发酵工业. 2009(5): 12-15.
l 高雪,李正国. 奉节脐橙果皮褐变的调控技术研究. 食品科学. 2009(10): 269-272.
l 高雪,李正国. 奉节脐橙果皮褐变生理的研究. 食品科学. 2009(8): 280-283.
l 李正国,付晓红,邓 伟,杨迎伍,崔英双,赵 平,榨菜腌制过程中细菌多样性分析. 微生物通报. 2009, (3):371-376.
l 李正国,符勇耀,段伟,杨迎伍,邓伟,夏玉先. 除虫菊酯人工抗原的合成及鉴定. 重庆大学学报. 2009, 32(2):233-238.
l 符勇耀,李正国,杨迎伍,邓伟.优化重叠PCR法进行单链抗体基因扩增和点突变.生物技术通报. 2009(7): 150-155.
l 刘明春,邓 伟,吴 玉,王国民,杨迎伍,李正国,重庆含笑鲜花挥发油的化学成分分析. 精细化工. 2009, 26(1):38-41.
l 付晓红,杨迎伍,邓 伟,李正国,腌制萝卜腐败微生物的分离及其特性研究. 食品工业科技. 2008, 29(8):132-137.
l 刘明春,李正国,邓 伟,王国民,杨迎伍,鱼香草挥发油成分的分析. 精细化工. 2008, 25(12):1216-1219.
l 刘明春,李正国,邓 伟,王心宇,王国民,杨迎伍,素心蜡梅和红心蜡梅鲜花挥发油成分分析. 精细化工. 2008, 25(10):986-992.
l 樊晶,李正国,高雪,杨迎伍,邓伟,脐橙CsNAC基因的克隆及其在果实贮藏过程中的表达分析. 园艺学报. 2008 (12): 1803-1808.
l 李季,李正国,罗安才,杨迎伍,邓伟,番茄LeEIL1基因表达工程菌的构建及表达分析. 园艺学报. 2008(5): 687-692.
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l 符勇耀,杨迎伍,邓伟,李正国,安全标记基因在转基因植物中的应用. 生物技术通报. 2008, 6:23-29.
l 马作江,邓伟,杨迎伍,李正国,Vip3A基因植物表达载体的构建及其对烟草的遗传转化. 生物技术通报. 2008 (5): 108-111.
l 陈伟,杨迎伍,邓伟,李正国,3种致病菌多重PCR检测体系的建立及应用. 食品与发酵工业. 2008(9): 132-136.
l 李正国,殷红莲,杨迎伍,符勇耀,半夏高效液相色谱指纹图谱鉴定. 重庆大学学报(自然科学版). 2008(8): 951-955.
l 李季,李正国,罗安才,杨迎伍,邓伟,番茄LeEIL1基因的克隆分析及表达载体构建. 生物技术通报. 2008(4): 114-117.
l 徐跃成,李正国,王国民,杨迎伍,邓 伟,李应国, 降低榨菜酱油中铵盐含量超标的工艺研究. 食品工业科技. 2008, 29(7):182-184.
l 陈伟,李正国,杨平,杨迎伍,邓伟,肉品中致病菌的多重PCR检测及固相化试剂盒的研究. 食品科学. 2008(6): 255-258.
l 邓伟,杨迎武,胡楠,吴玉,李正国,激活标记--一种有效的基因功能鉴定技术. 植物生理学通讯. 2008, 44(2): 357-361.
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l 王心宇,刘明春,杨迎伍,邓伟,李正国,GC-MS法分析白兰花挥发油成分. 重庆大学学报,2008,31(1):97-100.
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l 段伟,李正国,夏玉先,杨迎伍,胡应红,殷红莲,天然除虫菊酯检测方法的研究进展. 植物保护,2007,33(3): 12-16.
l 杨平,杨迎伍,陈伟,王国民,李正国,食品中4种致病微生物的多重PCR快速检测技术研究,西南大学学报,2007,29(5):90-94.
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